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CUW 2022 Cheerleading Championship

31.07.2022 - Moll de la Marina, Barcelona - Spain

2022 is the first year for the inaugural Cheer Up World Cheerleading Championship and it is on track to become one of the largest championships in the world.

  • Financial prizes, bids, tickets and much more valued at more than 10.000€.

  • Championship divided into Junior and Senior categories

  • 12m x 12m competition floor (7 mats) - Dead Floor

  • Warm-up zones + Running Tumbling zone to get ready for the competition

  • Gifts for all participants

  • Live broadcast of the Championship


You have time until the following date to register for the Championship:

Registration Deadline: 30.07.2022

EThe price per athlete of the registrations for each category is:

Registration fee per category: 35€

If you already have your tickets for the CHEER UP WORLD Festival you are entitled to enter ONE category for free using the following code:

Code: CCC2022

CATEGORIES (All levels)*





Our rules and judging process will conform to the IASF CHEER rules and scoring system.

You can find the complete CUW Cheerleading Championship rules and judging process here.

*NOTE: Participants' routines will be scored according to the level specified on the registration forms.

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