CUW 2022 Cheerleading Championship
31.07.2022 - Moll de la Marina, Barcelona - Spain
2022 is the first year for the inaugural Cheer Up World Cheerleading Championship and it is on track to become one of the largest championships in the world.
Financial prizes, bids, tickets and much more valued at more than 10.000€.
Championship divided into Junior and Senior categories
12m x 12m competition floor (7 mats) - Dead Floor
Warm-up zones + Running Tumbling zone to get ready for the competition
Gifts for all participants
Live broadcast of the Championship
You have time until the following date to register for the Championship:
Registration Deadline: 30.07.2022
EThe price per athlete of the registrations for each category is:
Registration fee per category: 35€
If you already have your tickets for the CHEER UP WORLD Festival you are entitled to enter ONE category for free using the following code:
Code: CCC2022
CATEGORIES (All levels)*
Our rules and judging process will conform to the IASF CHEER rules and scoring system.
You can find the complete CUW Cheerleading Championship rules and judging process here.
*NOTE: Participants' routines will be scored according to the level specified on the registration forms.